In architecture Flintstones green LEED Robert Mechielsen

Flintstones LEED to the future

Maybe Fred Flinstone had it right all along with his stony abode. How much more green can one get by having a rock house with concrete and wood furniture, and to tying it together with a Mammoth rug that was recycled from the days hunt??

To bring the Flintstones to the future there is the
Pasadena EcoHouse designed by architect Robert Mechielsen. The eco-friendly house ,which is currently under construction, is hoping to become the first LEED Platinum home. The building is primarily made of concrete and recycled materials such as the windows, countertops, wood and even rainwater systems. Robert Mechielsen is the founder of Studio-RMA which is a firm based on eco-friendly architecture and design. To see more of his designs click here.

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