In closets dream walk-in closet Home Depot obsessed Paint colors renew

My Current Obsession - Reused Paint From Home Depot

So I can't deny - I'm kind of obsessed with the paint department in Home Depot. I will find a reason to look and perhaps buy and don't mind that I have to lug them all on the train. I simply must see if there are any new paint colors that need a home! 

Our small walk-in closet                                                                                                                                                     More

LOVE THIS CLOSET (don't you?)

In my mind I have a Pinterest board of my dream closet and now that I've seen my my recent trips that they swap out the colors often, there might be a chance that I will get that dreamy..... charcoal grey

Aside from the fact that the colors jump randomly from bright to simpler hues, the price is extremely discounted so it makes for much more easier to have grand visions for upcoming projects.

The crazy thing? Today I was back (of course) and it was there. First there were only a couple lovely lavender Ralph Lauren textured paint that wasn't exactly what I was looking for but was in the family of my color scheme so I took it along with another of what seemed like a greenish-grey paint and then I continued to shop around.

Deciding to give it just one more go I went BACK to the paints section (I mean it's already on the way to the cash register, so why not?) and - Wait, what??There were ALL NEW colors! Even the lids were wet! Not only did the HDG (Home Depot Guy) come around with an assortment of new colors, in it he also put a sweet CHARCOAL(ish) color paint. Not exactly my grey but a very nice version of it, especially for $9! 

So do you know what happened next when I started to grab it up and put it in the cart?? The HDG man came around with a can of CHARCOAL GREY paint! That's right, my color! What?! 

When I saw I couldn't help but let out a "hummana hummana hummana..." and then grabbed em!! Yes, finally! I happened to scoop up a few others that could definitely be used around the house and left totally happy and excited about my score. 

Coming soon - my dream closet in the works. Omg I can't wait to see them on the wall. Stay tuned ya'll!

The new paints are out!! 

These were just calling me like "Please take me home!" 

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Cinco de Mayo!!

40th bday party idea. Got 3 years to plan! Gold & Glitzy Holiday Fiesta {Olé!}

Yay! So not only is it Friday and it's rainy (and that sucks) but it's Cinco de Mayo (and that's great!)

Then I got to thinking: what the heck is Cinco de Mayo anyway? It is just the name of the day? Is it a holiday? A happy one? A sad one? I'm here ready to drink and celebrate...but porque?

So I decided to look it up online (thanks again Google) and found some really cool facts that I also shared with my friends and now will share with you! Then you can share with your friends and so on and we can all drink and eat and celebrate and know the heck why!

Cinco de Mayo is:
  • The Mexican Independence Day?  No, it's not. The Mexican Independence Day is actually celebrated September 16. 
  • Meant to honor the Battle of Puebla that took place May 5, 1862. During the battle, also known as El Dia de la Batalla de Puebla, a group of just over 4,000 Mexican soldiers were outnumbered by the well equipped French troops. Against all odds, while less than 100 Mexican soldiers perished in the battle, the French lost the battle and had about 500 French casualties.
  • Celebrated in the States, but is not celebrated in Mexico. Cinco de Mayo is typically a day of eating tacos and drinking margaritas but just like you won't find corned beef and green beer in Ireland on St. Patrick's Day, you won't find ground beef tacosnachos, and frozen margaritas in Mexico on Cinco de Mayo. 
Another fun fact - there are over 81 million avocados eaten on Cinco de Mayo every year!

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