
Falling into Fall - End of Summer recap

I took this lovely shot. I love seeing the colors change in the fall, don't you? 

I can't believe that it's almost fall...again! Is it just me or does it feel like we were just in October a few months ago? Is there some mega force that is making us spin faster and our days go quicker?? I wonder....

In the meantime I'll readily admit- I love the fall. Maybe it's the color changing of the trees, the brisk and crisp weather, the comfyness of sweaters...or that I just keep missing summer...but either way, it's coming no matter which way you spin it and I'm ready to embrace it.

This fall is particularly exciting because I will be taking part of so many great projects such as;

  • my first tiling project
  • repurposing furniture projects
  • apple picking
  • a ton of volunteering- Habitat for Humanity is one
  • stamping, stenciling and cutting projects
  • making new lighting fixtures

Well, I suppose apple picking might not qualify as an actual "project"  but I'm excited about it still as this will be my first year going! (Another thing that I keep happening to miss over the years.)

As for the others, remember when I scored these awesome tiles? Well they are going up! I've been debating if I wanted to use them in the bathroom or the kitchen and I've think I've decided on some kitchen action. Considering that the surface is a excellent shape and surface and location, it's bound to make the kitchen one of the spiffiest rooms in the house!

In the meantime I have been doing a lil here-and-there projects, mainly with paint

Even the Little L is helping out.

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